Monthly Mass End Additional Job / Termination Process

Next Run Date: April 11, 2025

The monthly Mass End Additional Job/Termination process will run on April 11, 2025, for all fixed-term employee and non-employee positions with an End Employment Date on or before March 31, 2025. To prepare, CSUs should run the Mass End Employment Date Audit - RPT0741 report in Workday.

See the Special Runs for the Academic Graduate Student Population section below for information about AGS employee runs of the Mass Term/EAJ process.

News and Updates

Reminder to Extend AGS Employees Before the AGS Mass Termination Process – If your office manages Academic Graduate Students (AGS) employees, check the process schedule at the bottom of this page and remember to extend any continuing AGS employees before the CSU processing deadline of the upcoming AGS Mass Termination ProcessFor more information, continue reading Reminder to Extend AGS Employees Before the AGS Mass Termination Process.

Tips for Optimizing the Mass Term Process – Each month, the Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process (mass term) reduces the effort involved in ending jobs in Workday that would otherwise have to be ended manually within a short window of time. Why is this important? Jobs not ended appropriately (unsuccessful transactions) can impact employee benefits and pay, CSU budgets, and resources resulting in extra time and effort. To learn how to help prevent most unsuccessful transactions, continue reading Tips for Optimizing the Mass Term Process.

Known Issue and Updated Guidance – We are working with Workday, Inc. to investigate and resolve an issue affecting the Monthly Mass End Additional Job / Termination Process. The issue causes Workday not to block terminations for workers with pending Add Additional Job transactions in certain stages. Until the issue is resolved, do not rely on a pending Add Additional Job to stop the Mass Term process from ending a worker with an end employment date in the past. To prevent a worker from being ended prematurely, be sure to process an extension if the worker is remaining in that job or a Transfer if they are starting a new one using the Change Job Business Process prior to the CSU processing deadline.


The monthly Mass End Additional Job/Termination process runs for all fixed-term employee and non-employee positions with an End Employment Date on or before the last day of the prior month. The effective date of the mass process will be the End Employment Date on the position. The process will also end any academic appointments or contracts associated with the position. Courtesy, endowment, affiliate, and emeritus academic appointments will not be ended as they are not associated with positions.

NOTE: The process may require actions to be performed prior to the CSU processing deadline to ensure the proper processing of positions. Some positions will be excluded from the process if you do not take preparatory action. An audit report will help you identify which positions require action ahead of the scheduled mass process. Use the same report after the scheduled mass process runs to see which positions were excluded to learn which positions were excluded and must be ended manually.

Reasons why a position in the Mass Process will NOT be ended

  • Positions that have time blocks after their end employment date - If a time block exists (Unsubmitted, Submitted, In Progress, or Final Approved), an end job or termination will not be processed. The time block could indicate that the employee worked after their end employment date, and therefore, the End Employment Date should be extended.
  • Position has Completed BP with Effective Date after End Employment Date - Business processes with an effective date after the End Employment Date could indicate that the worker’s relationship to the University should continue and therefore the end employment date should be extended.
  • Positions where a Switch Primary is required - The Primary Job has an End Employment Date in the past, but additional jobs that are still active with End Employment Dates in the future.  
  • In Progress Transaction(s) - Any positions that have in-progress staffing transactions (Switch Primary, Add Job*, End Additional Job, Change Job, Termination). 

Pre & Post Mass Process Guidance

Required Actions BEFORE the Mass Process Runs

  1. Run the Mass End Employment Date Audit - RPT0741 report in Workday to identify which positions will be included in this mass process. The report returns currently active positions that have an end employment date that is on or prior to the date entered in the Comparison End Employment Date report field.
    • The Comparison End Employment Date should be the last day of the previous month.  Refer to the Schedule and Important Dates section below to identify which date should be used for each Process Month.
    • The Indicator column indicates if the position will be ended
      • Will be Ended - Indicates the position will be included in the mass process unless action is taken to extend the End Employment Date.
      • Will Attempt to End - Indicates that the position has an in-progress event or has a completed event with an effective date after the End Employment Date at the time the report was run.
      • Manual Intervention Required – Indicates that the position has a time block after the End Employment Date or a Switch Primary Job is needed. The CSU must take action before the mass process will end or terminate the position.
    • NEW: The Position has Employee Contract column indicates that a Contract is associated with the position. This column and the new Employee Contract End Date (for EIB) and Employee Contract Ref ID (for EIB) columns are used to end contracts associated with positions included in the process.  
    • Review the columns to the right in the report to review the reason why a position requires action.
  2. Extend the End Employment Date for any positions in the report that should not be ended or terminated by this process.
  3. Process any Change Jobs, Add Jobs, and/or Switch Primary Jobs for impacted positions prior to the CSU Transaction Processing Deadline. (Refer to the Schedule and Important Dates section for the exact date.)
  4. Delete or process any time blocks as appropriate/if applicable.

Required Actions AFTER the Mass Process Runs

  • Run the Mass End Employment Date Audit Report (RPT0741) to see which positions were NOT ended. (Compare this report to the “before” report to see which positions were ended.)
  • Manually process necessary End Jobs, Terminations, and End Contingent Worker Contracts for positions that still need to be ended.
  • For positions that ended and require additional changes:
    • Costing Allocations: Changes can still be processed in Workday on positions that have been ended or terminated.
    • Scheduled Weekly Hours:
      • For terminated positions, a rescind is required before changes can be made. Refer to the Rescind Transaction Guidance.
      • For additional jobs that were ended,
        • Process an Add Job for an increase in hours, or
        • Request a rescind for a decrease in hours. Refer to the Rescind Transaction Guidance.
      • After processing a change in Scheduled Weekly Hours, process an End Job or Termination as appropriate.
  • If a transaction generated by this process needs to be rescinded, contact following the Rescind Transaction Guidance.

Special Runs for the Academic Graduate Student Population

To reduce unintended insurance enrollment changes for Academic Graduate Student (AGS) employees, the Mass EAJ/Term process now features additional run-dates at the beginning of the spring, summer, and fall semesters. The additional run-dates will only process terminations and end additional jobs for the AGS population. For help resolving insurance enrollment changes, AGS employees can refer to the Continuing AGS Employees section of the Frequently Asked Questions on the Academic Graduate Student Employee Insurance Options page of the Human Resources website.

AGS Run Dates and Criteria

Entries in the calendar below marked with AGS (example: June 2024 AGS) indicate special Mass EAJ/Term process runs for the Academic Graduate Student population. 

  • A worker is identified as part of this population if they hold at least one position with employee type of Regular Benefits Eligible Graduate Student that has an End Employment Date on or prior to the Comparison End Date for the EAJ/Term run.
  • These workers will have all of their positions evaluated for inclusion in the Mass EAJ/Term.

Schedule and Important Dates

Process MonthCSU Transaction

Processing Deadline
End Employment DateMass Process

Run Date
August 20248/7/2024 @ noon7/31/20248/9/2024
1st August (Fall) 2024 AGS8/14/2024 @ noon8/15/20248/16/2024
2nd August (Fall) 2024 AGS8/28/2024 @ noon8/31/20248/30/2024
September 20249/4/2024 @ noon8/31/20249/6/2024
October 202410/9/2024 @ noon9/30/202410/11/2024
November 202411/6/2024 @ noon10/31/202411/8/2024
December 202412/4/2024 @ noon11/30/202412/6/2024
December 2024 AGS12/18/2024 @ noon12/31/20241/03/2025
January 20251/8/2025 @ noon12/31/20241/10/2025
February 20252/5/2025 @ noon1/31/20252/7/2025
March 20253/5/2025 @ noon2/29/20253/7/2025
April 20254/9/2025 @ noon3/31/20254/11/2025
May 20255/7/2025 @ noon4/30/20255/9/2025
May 2025 AGS5/28/2025 @ noon5/15/20255/30/2025
June 20256/4/2025 @ noon5/31/20256/6/2025
July 20257/9/2025 @ noon6/30/20257/11/2025
August 20258/6/2025 @ noon7/31/20258/8/2025
August 2025 AGS8/27/2025 @ noon8/15/20258/29/2025
September 20259/3/2025 @ noon8/31/20259/5/2025