Security & Delegation

Key:  WIG - Workday Instructional Guide    WPO - Workday Process Overview

Related Training

Workday for Security Partners Self-Paced Learning – This course is required for all newly assigned Security Partners and recommended as a refresher for those who have taken previous Workday Security Partner Training.


Workday Security is centered around security roles which govern what a user can see and what tasks and business processes a worker can do in Workday. 

Workday Security Roles

Overview of all Workday Security Roles available to CSUs for the purpose of administrative processing and reporting of Human Resources, Payroll, and Job Costing activities.  Includes key tasks and types of operational data each role can access.

Role Holder Absence Guidance - WPO

Guidance for how to address absences by role holders whether planned in advance or unplanned.

Workday Journey: Role Assignment and Delegation Review Audit - WIG

Introduces holders of security roles to using a Workday Journey to perform biannual audits.

Assign Organizational Roles Off Position - WIG

Steps for Security Partners, Cost Center Security Partners, and Academic Unit Security Partners to assign security roles to a position for a supervisory organization, cost center, cost center hierarchy, academic unit, or academic unit hierarchy levels

Assign Organizational Roles Off the Organization - WIG

Steps for a Security Partner and Recruiter to assign security roles at the organizational level including supervisory organization, cost center, cost center hierarchy, academic unit, or academic unit hierarchy levels.

Assign Organizational Roles Off Staffing Event - WIG

Steps for Security Partners to assign security roles at the organizational level. This task can be the subprocess of a staffing event or initiated ad hoc (see Assign Roles Off the Organization WIG or Assign Roles Off the Worker WIGS).

Assign Organizational Roles Off Worker - WIG

Steps for Security Partner to assign security roles to a worker at the supervisory organization, cost center, cost center hierarchy, academic unit, or academic unit hierarchy levels.

Merit Roles Guide

Guidance for Security Partners on assigning Merit Roles used in the Compensation Review business process.


Delegation is the act of giving designated workers the ability approve business processes in Workday on another worker’s behalf.

Manage Delegation Settings - WIG

Steps for the Security Partner to add a new delegation or revise/cancel an active/current delegation on behalf of a worker.

Manage Delegations - WIG

Steps for the Employee/Contingent Worker to add a new delegation or revise/cancel an active/current delegation.