Compensation Review Data Entry Tool


The Compensation Review Data Entry Tool (CRDET) is an optional method for data entry into the grids. It supplements the Compensation Review process but does not replace it. Grids must still be reviewed and approved as normal for the Compensation Review Process. The tool, in the form of a spreadsheet, is submitted through the DocuSign process, but approvals will happen in Workday. Only one spreadsheet submission per CSU with a minimum of 10 entries within the spreadsheet.


What are grids?

Grids refer to the worksheet-like tools within Workday used to edit and review compensation changes by position or awards (base pay adjustments).


Pros and Cons​

  • Decreases the need for manual entry of data into the grids and reduces data entry errors.
  • Grids must still be reviewed for accuracy.
  • The Compensation Review Data Entry Tool is a one-way process and cannot be rescinded.
  • Further updates or corrections can be performed manually or via a second upload.​


CRDET Behavior​

  • The CRDET does not require that everyone on a grid be on the spreadsheet/loaded. Anyone already on the grid but not in the CRDET spreadsheet will simply be ignored.​
  • If an EID/Position is included on the spreadsheet but is not on the grid, it will be ignored​ without errors or warnings.
  • Data is entered in the highlighted columns (columns L thru R). Data entered elsewhere will be ignored.
  • Other errors may cause the entire upload to fail (see table below).


Overall Process 

  1. CSU downloads the template and saves completed spreadsheet to UTBox (Compensation > Base Pay folder) 
  2. CSU submits DocuSign with spreadsheet attached and includes the link to the same spreadsheet in UTBox
  3. eBITS loads spreadsheet to Workday
  4. CSU reviews the uploaded data in Workday
  5. Approvals follow the Compensation Review process


Preparing the Spreadsheet

  1. The assigned Academic Merit Planner or Merit Planner runs the report Compensation Review Data Entry Tool Template - RPT1134 for the organizations they support and saves the template.
    1. After running the report, click Notify Me Later.
    2. Optionally, you can update the Request Name. Then click OK.
    3. At this point, either wait for a notification or check My Reports later.
    4. When you open the file with Excel, you must click Enable Editing at the top before continuing.
  2. To avoid errors, remove rows that
    1. will not receive any adjustments.
    2. have No in the column Worker is Currently in this Position.
  3. Removing rows does not remove them from the grid. These positions can still be updated manually.
  4. Each row can have a merit adjustment and an additional adjustment. For any given adjustment, enter either the % or the amount but not both. Enter one and leave the other blank. You may enter a merit adjustment as a % and enter an additional adjustment as an amount (or vice versa), as those are two separate adjustments. 
  5. Amounts may be entered with no more than 2 digits to the right of the decimal. (2510.75 is okay but not 2510.333) Percentages may be entered with no more than 4 digits to the right of the decimals.
  6. If a worker is getting one type of adjustment but not the other, you must enter 0 for the % of the type they are not receiving.
    1. Blank values for both % and amount for any adjustment type will cause the spreadsheet to be returned as incomplete. For example, if an employee is receiving only a Merit, the Additional Adjustment must have a value of 0%.
  7. Proposed Additional Adjustments must include a reason selected from the drop down menu.
  8. Once completed, save the spreadsheet to your assigned UTBox folder.


DocuSign Form

  • An Academic Merit Planner or Merit Planner assigned at the Dean/VP Level completes the DocuSign form
  • You will need to attach the CRDET spreadsheet to the DocuSign form AND include the UTBox link to the CRDET spreadsheet.
  • The form will not route for approval, as all approvals will happen in Workday.


After the Upload

EBITS will notify you whether the upload is successful or if there are any errors or issues that must be addressed.

Remember: Data entered via upload must be reviewed in the grid.


Error Table

ScenarioEffective Date in Relation to the UploadResult
Worker/position on the grid is terminated after the Compensation Review (CR) launch and before CRDET, but is included in the CRDETTerm date is before the uploadThe upload gets the error and nothing loads
Worker/position on the grid is transferred to a new Sup Org after CR launch and before CRDET, but is included in the CRDETTransfer effective date is same as or before the uploadThe upload gets the error and nothing loads
Before grid launch a worker is transferred to a new position effective the same date as the effective date of the CR, e.g. 9/1, then the grid is launched and it has the new position; a load using the new position on the grid is attempted.Transfer effective after the load and either on or before the effective date of the CR, e.g. 9/1The upload gets the error and nothing loads
A worker is hired effective after the CR is launched but before the effective date of the CR. The hire is completed before the CR is launched, then the worker is left in the CRDET spreadsheet.Hire date is after the upload is attempted but before the effective date of the CR, e.g. 9/1The upload gets the error and nothing loads