New Employees

Where to start?

If you are a new employee at The University of Texas at Austin, the best place to start is the New Employees page maintained by Human Resources. You should also check with your hiring department. They can answer questions, provide resources, or let you know about any specific onboarding tasks they may wish you to complete. Once you’re settled and require additional information about Workday, use the resources below to get started using Workday and performing your onboarding tasks.

Getting Started with Workday 

New Employee Onboarding

 Get started with Timesheets

Additional Resources

To find more help and other resources for Workday and other UT HR/Payroll and Financial systems, check out the following resources.

If you need assistance, you can always contact askUS Support.

Need Help?

Search frequently asked questions in the askUS Knowledge Base.

Contact askUS Support

Online: askUS ServiceNow

Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F
Phone: 512-471-8802
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F