Incidental Account Organizations in Workday are used to track the account used for incidental costs such as university ID cards or background checks.
For 26 accounts – Send a request including the 10-digit *DEFINE account number, if available, to Sponsored Projects Awards Administration (SPAA) will determine if the request is appropriate for the account, then forward it to askUS Support which will notify you when the INCD organization is available in Workday. If you send the request directly to askUS Support, we will contact SPAA for approval before adding the INCD organization.
For other (non-26) accounts – If the account already exists in *DEFINE, send a request including the 10-digit account number to If the account does not yet exist in *DEFINE, indicate the need for an incidental account on a New Account Request Form, and submit the form to Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR). askUS Support will notify you when the INCD organization is available in Workday.

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