Student Employment

Materials on the business processes related to Student Employment.

Need information for summer? Summer Guidance is available on this page year-round.

Key:  WIG - Workday Instructional Guide    WPO - Workday Process Overview


Student Work-Study - WPO

Overview of how Work-Study students are hired and managed.

Student Business Process Matrix

Guidance on determining which business process (or mass process) to use for Student Workers based on different scenarios.

Student Eligibility Engine

Overview of how eligibility for student employment is determined during Workday transactions and how eligibility is monitored and reported during employment.


Hire a Student Worker and Work-Study - WIG

Steps to hire a student worker.

Work Study Questionnaire - WPO

Steps for completing the Work-Study Questionnaire which is triggered during the Hire and Add Job business processes.

Sample Student Employee Acknowledgement Template

Sample form that can be used as a template to ensure students understand the terms of their employment.

Changes During Employment

See the Changes During Employment documentation page.

Mass Processes

Student Mass End Employment Date Extension Process

This process is to be used to extend the end employment date for student workers in the populations noted below only.

Mass Transaction Submission System (MTSS)

The Mass Transaction Submission System (MTSS) provides the ability to perform mass Hires and Add Additional Jobs through an interface outside of Workday at any time of the year. This system is an alternative to processing student Hires and Add Jobs manually within Workday.

Multiple Jobs, Additional and Sporadic Employment

See the Multiple Jobs, Additional, and Sporadic Employment Page


See the Termination documentation page.


For summer insurance information, see the following pages on the HR website: