Supervisory Organization Services
Supervisory Organizations (Sup Orgs) are the organizational structure in Workday that connects workers to their manager and to the manager’s unit within the organizational hierarchy of the department. On request, askUS Support can create a new sup org or make changes, such as: inactivate; reactivate; change the name, manager, department code, subtype, superior org, default cost center, or primary location. askUS Support can also assist with moving vacant positions or moving 5 or more workers into a new or existing sup org.
Supervisory Organization and Membership Management Guidance
Relationship between Financial and HR Organizations at UT - Units, Departments, and Supervisory Organizations
Request Description | Request Method |
Use this form to request the creation of a new Supervisory Organization Subtype 8, 99, or 9 (non-departmental) in Workday. | Request to Create New Supervisory Organization (Box Document) Request to Create New Supervisory Organization (DocuSign) |
Use this form to request updates of attributes of an existing Supervisory Organization Subtype 8, 99, or 9 (non-departmental) in Workday. | Request to Update, Inactivate or Reactivate a Supervisory Organization (Box Document) Request to Update, Inactivate or Reactivate a Supervisory Organization (DocuSign) |
Use this form to assist with moving vacant positions or moving 5 or more workers into a new or existing supervisory organization. | Move Workers to a Different Supervisory Organization (Box Document) Move Workers to a Different Supervisory Organization (DocuSign) |
Department Level Organization Services
Submit a Signature Desk Request Form to request a new official unit code or new department, or make changes to an existing department-level (levels 1-7, or 9) organization. The askUS Support team will update *DEFINE, the UT Department System, and Workday to keep your department information in sync across all three systems. For sub-departments, (Level 8 or 9) submit a Signature Desk Request form and for supervisory organizations (Subtype 99, 8, or 9), see the Supervisory Organization Services section above.

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Contact askUS Support
Online: askUS ServiceNow
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M-F
Phone: 512-471-8802
Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., M-F