Tips for Optimizing the Mass Term Process

November 19, 2021

Updated on June 20, 2024

Each month, the Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process (mass term) uses automation to reduce the effort involved in ending jobs in Workday that would otherwise have to be ended manually within a short window of time. Why is this important? Jobs not ended appropriately can impact employee benefits and pay as well as CSU budgets and resources resulting in extra time and effort all around. 

To illustrate this point, consider that the September 2021 Mass Term process ended almost 5,000 out of 5,800 eligible jobs. This success rate represents significant savings in campus processing time and effort, and we appreciate everyone helping to achieve this success rate during an already busy time.

The 800 positions the process was unable to end represent jobs that should have been ended OR were ended incorrectly. Many of the jobs not ended automatically required additional effort to either end or, in some cases, to rescind a termination.

In another example, a SEE report run in June 2024 showed 412 student workers with jobs that should have been ended or extended. Again, this represents a lot of extra effort on the part of campus to resolve.


Impacts on Student Employees

For student employees, having an un-ended job can have multiple negative impacts, including causing them to show up on the Student Eligibility Engine (SEE) Report when they should not otherwise. Other impacts for students can include conflicts when performing a Switch Primary Job (SPJ), which may result in the need for additional processing in Workday. Academic Graduate Students (AGS) can see their benefits adversely affected as well.

If a student’s job should not end, and the mass extend process is unavailable, you can use Change Job to extend it and avoid any negative impacts.


Recommended Monthly Action for Mass Term Success

We have found that taking the following recommended actions each month will help prevent most unsuccessful transactions. 

  1. Run and review Mass End Employment Date Audit - RPT0741 on or before the end of every month. We have observed a direct relationship between departments who review this report and a reduction in the number of rescinds needed.
  2. Extend employees expected to work beyond the current end employment date. Jobs ended in error make up the bulk of rescind requests. You can avoid potential issues by using Change Job to extend positions.
  3. Attempt to have all in-process transactions completed before the CSU deadline. In-process transactions will prevent jobs from being ended. Refer to the Mass Processing Dates calendar to keep deadlines from sneaking up on you.
  4. Complete a Switch Primary Job business process for employees that have active additional jobs with end employment dates in the future. The process cannot end a primary job when there is an active additional job.


Jobs WILL NOT end if...

Please note that the Mass End Additional Job/Termination process will not end jobs in the following situations:

  • Job has unsubmitted, submitted, in progress, or final approved timesheets after the end employment date.
  • Job has completed transactions with an effective date after the end employment date.
  • Job has active additional jobs with end employment dates in the future
  • Job has in-process transactions at the time of the run


For more information about the process, including what to do after the process runs and a list of monthly mass term dates and deadlines, visit the Mass End Additional Job/Termination Process documentation page.

If you need assistance contact askUS Support.