Mass End Employment Date Extension Process

Next Submission Window: April 28, 2025 through June 4, 2025, at noon

The Mass End Employment End Date Extension process will run from April 28, 2025 through June 4, 2025. CSUs should run the Mass Extend Template RPT0900 report in Workday to prepare.

Reminder to Extend AGS Employees Before the AGS Mass Termination Process

If your office manages Academic Graduate Students (AGS) employees, be aware of the AGS Mass Termination Process and extend any continuing AGS employees before the CSU processing deadlineFor more information, continue reading Reminder to Extend AGS Employees Before the AGS Mass Termination Process.

2024-25 AGS Mass Term Schedule

  • December 2024 CSU Processing Deadline: December 18 at noon
  • December 2024 Run Date: January 3, 2025
  • May 2025 CSU Processing Deadline: May 28 at noon
  • May 2025 Run Date: May 30
  • August 2025 CSU Processing Deadline: August 27 at noon
  • August 2025 Run Date: August 29


CSU Approvals Required via DocuSign

Please refer to the article, Reminder: CSU Approvals via DocuSign are Required for Mass Processes, for general guidance on submitting approvals via DocuSign.

CSU-initiated mass processes now require the submission of an approval form via DocuSign. We require this additional step to improve our compliance with internal audit findings regarding the approval of mass processing requests. For more information, continue reading Reminder: CSU Approvals via DocuSign are Required for Mass Processes.



The Mass Extension process extends the end employment date for workers in the populations noted below and for employees with end dates noted below. This process will include the following business processes.

  • Change Job – Used to extend the worker’s end employment date and modify scheduled weekly hours, business title, and position title.
  • Propose Compensation Change
    • For salaried positions – Used to extend the compensation end date to match the new end employment date.
    • For all jobs being extended – Allows for changes to compensation amount.
  • Assign Costing Allocation – When applicable, used to extend the costing allocation based on the new end employment date. (See Costing Allocation Section)

The process will use an Effective Date set to one day after the Current End Employment Date.

The current end employment date must be on or between the dates listed below.

  • Fall Semester: 8/1 and 8/31
  • Spring Semester: 12/1 and 1/15
  • Summer: 5/1 and 5/31

Note: If a CSU has a large population of workers to extend but their End Employment Dates fall outside the ranges above, please contact to consult if an ad-hoc request may be approved.

Mass Extension processing is available for groups of 10 or more fixed-term workers to extend in either JM or PM Supervisory Organizations.  

Eligible PopulationIncludes:
Undergraduate/Graduate/Professional Students – hourly*
*excludes Work-Study students and TA/AI/GRA hourly job profiles.
Tutor, Undergraduate Assistant, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Academic Assistant, Graduate Assistant, Student Assistant, Student Associate, Senior Student Associate, Student Technician, Student Camp Worker, Camp Resident Assistant, Professional Student Academic, Professional Student Non-Academic, Non-UT Student Titles
Graduate Students – SalariedTeaching Assistants, Assistant Instructors, Graduate Research Assistants
Nonemployees (including Contingent Workers)

Nonemployee Titles, Nonemployee Research Titles, Nonemployee Stipend.


This includes all nonemployee job profiles except for A021 - International Affiliate.

(for use by Human Resources only)
Workers in the UTemps pool (Job Profile: 9989 – UTemp) who are at zero hours and zero pay.


Overall Process

  • The Chief Business Officer or HR Executive of the College, School, or Unit (CSU) uploads spreadsheets with at least ten (10) or more to their folder in UT Box
  • eBITS team will lock the file in UT Box to prevent changes
  • Once HR approves the DocuSign request form, eBITS will change the tag to HR approved
  • eBITS will process files marked as HR approved and pending upload within five business days of receiving the approved DocuSign request form.
  • Once a file is processed, it is moved in UT Box to the CSU Processed folder.
  • The tag is changed to HR approved and loaded.
  • The submitter of the file will receive an email with the results of the load.

Submission Approval Requirement: Submitted position changes require submission of a signed Approval Form via DocuSign along with each spreadsheet submission uploaded to the designated CSU UT Box folder.

Submission Upload Requirement: Submitted position extensions must be uploaded to the applicable CSU Mass Processes folder to UTBOX by the Chief Business Officer or HR Executive of the College, School, or Unit (CSU). Please consolidate submissions down to one spreadsheet per week to ensure timely processing. Each spreadsheet takes an average of 45 minutes to load, regardless of the number of workers on the spreadsheet.


What to do BEFORE submitting the Mass Extension spreadsheet for processing

  • Run the Mass Extend Template RPT0900 report for the applicable supervisory organization(s) with the Effective as of Date set to today’s date.
    • Use the checkboxes to specify which population(s) to include in the report results.
  • Export the report to Excel (using the Excel icon next to the report title)
    • Remove the position rows of those not needing to be extended, including positions with End Employment Dates that fall outside accepted ranges.
      8/1 – 8/31 for the Fall Semester
      12/1 – 1/15 for the Spring Semester
      5/1 – 5/31 for the Summer Semester
    • Do not remove columns that are included in the report.
    • Do not change the order of the columns included in the report.
    • Confirm the positions you are extending have open-ended costing allocations.
    • Enter Proposed Data into Fields
Input FieldInstructions
Proposed End Employment Date

The proposed end employment date must be on or after the date listed below and must not be more than one year out from the effective date.

  • Fall Semester: 9/1
  • Spring Semester: 1/16
  • Summer: 6/1
Proposed Scheduled Weekly Hours

Optional. If entered, the proposed scheduled weekly hours must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 40. If creating a summer TA/AI anchor job, enter 0 hours.

Important note: Workers with proposed scheduled weekly hours updates that impact their benefits eligibility must be processed outside of the mass extension process. Employee Type cannot be changed as part of the mass extension process.

Proposed Business Title (directory)Optional.
Proposed Position Title (timesheets)Optional.
Proposed Monthly Amount (NOT Prorated by FTE)

This field is used to change the compensation amount for the extended job.  It is available for any job being extended, including the transition of a summer anchor job to paid status in the fall semester.

Enter the non-prorated amount using the same frequency as the current compensation on the job (hourly, monthly, or annual). Workday will automatically prorate the amount when the mass extension process runs

RequesterOptional: Enter the name of the Requester. This field may assist larger CSUs with coordinating the consolidation of weekly spreadsheet submissions.
  • Please check your email inbox or Box notifications for the link to the specific folder for your CSU.
  • Submitted position changes require submission of a signed Approval Form via DocuSign along with each spreadsheet submission uploaded to the designated CSU UT Box folder.
  • Save the completed spreadsheet submission in the designated CSU UT Box folder.
    • Consolidate submissions into one spreadsheet per week
    • Use the following file name format: <CSU><DATE>_Mass Extend Template RPT0900<anything additional>.xlsx
      Example: ENGR_20200501_Mass Extend Template RPT0900_TAs.xlsx
  • For workers with multiple jobs, Complete Switch Primary Job, End Additional Job, or Terminate workers if the primary job is ending.
  • Important Note: Please prioritize submissions for Academic Graduate Student position extensions before the AGS Mass Term CSU deadline to ensure these positions are not ended by the AGS Mass Term Process. For more information, continue reading Reminder to Extend AGS Employees Before the AGS Mass Termination Process.


What to do if HR denies your DocuSign request

  • eBITS tags the related spreadsheet in UT Box with Void
  • CSU reviews the Denied comments in the DocuSign form and updates the submission spreadsheet as needed
  • CSU uploads a new spreadsheet to UT Box
  • CSU initiates a new DocuSign request form with the new spreadsheet attached

For additional guidance about CSU approvals via DocuSign, refer to the article Reminder: CSU Approvals via DocuSign are Required for Mass Processes.


What to do AFTER your Mass Extension file has been processed

  • Review the error files on UTBox for your CSU
  • Manually process any extensions that could not be done as part of the mass process.
    • If you have ten (10) or more to process and the Mass Extension window is still open, you may address the errors and resubmit a spreadsheet with the workers to be extended.
  • Monitor student eligibility via the Student Eligibility Reports (SEE)
  • If a transaction generated by this process needs to be rescinded, contact following the Rescind Transaction Guidance.


Reasons Why Extensions Won’t Be Processed

If the mass process cannot be run, an error report will be uploaded to UTBOX, and a notification will be sent to the person who submitted the spreadsheet.

  • Incorrect Data on Submitted Spreadsheet – Any positions that do not follow the data input rules will cause an error in processing (See Overview). Also, if columns are removed or if the order of columns is changed, the process cannot be run on the spreadsheet.
  • In Progress Transaction(s) – Any positions with in-progress staffing transactions (Switch Primary, Add Job, End Additional Job, Change Job, Termination).
  • Conflicting Transaction(s) – Any positions that have been transferred or terminated since the template was created will create an error in processing.


Box file management

  • All files should be loaded to your CSU folder by the Chief Business Officer or an HR Executive.
  • Files should be named with <CSU><DATE>_MassExtend Template RPT0900<anything additional>.xlsx
    Example: ENGR_20200501_Mass Extend Template RPT0900_TAs.xlsx
  • Files will be moved to the CSU Processed folder by a member of eBITS after the file is loaded to Workday and the submitter has been notified. A results file will be uploaded to the Processed file for CSU review as well.


Reviewing Tags in Box

TagFile LocationExplanation
<no tag>CSU folderThe new file is not yet on our radar
HR Approved and pending uploadCSU folderHR has approved this file, which is in the queue to be loaded to Workday. 
HR Approved and LoadedCSU Processed fileeBITS has loaded the file to Workday, and the submitter has been notified of the results
VoidCSU Processed folderThe file cannot be loaded via the Mass Extension process. See Reasons Why Extensions Won’t Be Processed


Costing Allocation Handling

The following charts outline how costing allocations will be treated when the Mass Extension is processed. This process will only impact costing at the Worker Position Level. There are two charts – one to outline the treatment for Grant (26) accounts, and the other outlines the treatment for Non-Grant (26) accounts.

Grant (26) Accounts

Positions/Accounts with…Process will…
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) that are already open-ended (no end date)Leave the Costing Allocation as it is currently. 
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) after the proposed end employment date.Leave the Costing Allocation as it is currently. 
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) before the proposed end employment date*Make the Costing Allocation end date match the proposed end employment date.
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) that matches the current end employment date*Make the Costing Allocation end date match the proposed end employment date.

* No costing allocation or end employment date changes will occur if the cost center/account has an expiration date before the proposed end employment date.

Non-Grant (26) Accounts

Positions/Accounts with…Then eBITS will…
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) that are already open-ended (no end date)Leave the Costing Allocation as it is currently. 
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) after the proposed extended end employment date.Make the Costing Allocation open-ended (no end date)
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) before the proposed extend end employment dateMake the Costing Allocation open-ended (no end date) 
Costing Allocation has an end date(s) that matches the current extended end employment dateMake the Costing Allocation open-ended (no end date)


Schedule and Important Dates

Summer 2025

First Class Day: June 5
1st Semi-Monthly Payroll Deadline: June 3 (May 16-31)
Monthly Payroll Deadline: May 19 (June 1)
Submission Window Start: April 28
Submission Window End: June 4, at noon
Error Reports and Notifications provided to CSUs: Upon completion of the data load to Workday

For additional Payroll dates, visit the Paydays & Payroll Deadlines webpage.