After hours, on Thursday, January 25, askUS Support and the askUS Knowledge Base will transition to a new home on askUS ServiceNow.
This update will have no effect on service levels, with open requests moving to the new system without affecting the time necessary to respond. After the transition to ServiceNow, anyone needing assistance can still email with the additional option of sending a request via the askUS Service Portal:
askUS Support via ServiceNow features a single portal where you can search the askUS Knowledge Base for answers, submit tickets to askUS for assistance, and check the status of open tickets. The updated knowledge base increases the findability of information by offering users advanced features, including smart search and browsable categories.
For more information about askUS ServiceNow or to learn how to update any bookmarks or links to existing askUS entries, continue reading askUS ServiceNow Provides a Convenient Service Experience.
If you need assistance, contact askUS Support at