Financial Fundamentals


Financial Fundamentals is intended for anyone new to UT financial systems, whether you are a document initiator, approver, or viewer of financial-related data. The lessons in this course are designed to teach the foundational concepts of UT financial systems. While course content is presented for an entry-level audience, experienced users may find individual lessons helpful as a knowledge refresher.

Who should take this course?

Anyone who holds authorization in the Electronic Office Management system to perform any of the following

  • Create financial-related documents
  • Approve financial-related documents
  • View financial-related data

Getting Started

  1. Review the Course Syllabus which provides instructions and details about the components of this course.
  2. Proceed to the lessons below. You may work through each lesson at your own pace and convenience.


Lessons are in Narrated PowerPoint or Video format. 

  • PowerPoint lessons are hosted in UT Box. Each PowerPoint file includes voice narration and narration text.
  • Videos are hosted on MS Stream and accessed with the same credentials you use to access other UT Microsoft/Office365 resources. Each video includes a transcript and optional closed captioning.
  • Learning Review questions are a self-graded review to check lesson comprehension
  • Learning Exercises for knowledge application

1. Account Structures 

2. Transactions and Documents 

3. Balances

4. Units and Organizations ­

5. Authorizations  

6. UT Austin Applications

7. *DEFINE Basics



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