On September 10, 2022, Workday will release their fall update. At that time, the Workday Fall Update will add the My Time and Absence App to the All Apps section of the Workday homepage for all employees.
The My Time and Absence App was initially released in June as an optional dashboard for employees to add to their homepages. Since then, positive feedback regarding the app's ability to streamline time management has led to the decision to use the My Time and Absence App as the default app for entering and managing time and absences in Workday.
During a transitional 30-day period, the My Time and Absence App will appear on the Workday homepage alongside the existing, separate Time and Absence apps. The transition period will allow employees to adjust to entering their time through the new app. It will also allow Colleges, Schools, and Units (CSUs) time to communicate to their employees about the transition from the current apps to the new all-in-one app for time management. After the transition period, the old Time and Absence apps will be removed from the Workday homepage.
Note: Mobile users will continue to enter time through the stand-alone Enter Time app. The move to the My Time and Absence App only affects desktop and laptop computer users.
My Time & Absence App Transition Resources
On September 10, the following materials will become available via the Workday Employee Resources help page to assist employees with the transition to the new My Time and Absence App.
- Where Do I Enter My Time (Infographic in English and Spanish) – We will link to this document from the Announcements section of the Workday homepage. The infographic will help employees who need assistance finding where to enter their time. Note: This document may change before September 10 to accommodate additional updates to the Workday homepage as part of the fall update
- How do I use the new Workday My Time and Absence App (Infographic) - Contains details about how to use each section of the My Time & Absence App. A video covering this information is currently in development and will include both English and Spanish transcripts.
- We are also creating a video about the new app for release with the Workday Fall Update. The video will include both English and Spanish transcripts.
If you need assistance, contact askUS@austin.utexas.edu.