Improvements now active in Workday eliminate the need to contact HR Records to launch Onboarding for certain populations. The update adds Onboarding Setup and Onboarding to the Change Job, Add Job, and Add Job (MTSS) business processes which will automatically launch Onboarding when required. These updates were made in partnership with HR Records in the ongoing effort to streamline the Onboarding process.
Previously, whenever a nonemployee received an additional job or a job change, the office supporting the affected worker would need to monitor the report Workers That Need Employee Onboarding - RPT0740 and then contact HR Records to launch Onboarding on the effective date for the new position.
After the update goes into effect on July 14, Onboarding for Add Job and Change Job will launch on the effective date of the new position and follow the appropriate routing for the business process and support roles. This is important to keep in mind when an employee is required to complete the Form I-9 by the end of their first day.
Populations affected by this update:
- Nonemployees receiving a change in job or an additional job that is a paid position.
- Nonemployees who receive a stipend position, which requires additional Onboarding.
For more information about the Onboarding process, updated training materials are available on the Onboarding & I-9 webpage.