New Financial Navbar Puts 100+ Applications and Resources A Mouse-Click Away.

August 19, 2024

On August 21, 2024, financial applications will receive an enhancement to improve navigation, discoverability, and overall user experience.

When implemented, the Financial Navbar will appear at the top of over 50 of UT’s financial applications, providing a common navigation method across applications. The navbar helps users by organizing and displaying links to over 100 financial applications and related resources in a format that makes them more discoverable and easier to navigate between.

Along with quick links to FRMS Home and the DEFINE Inbox, the Navbar consists of four tabs: Financials, Student, Reporting, and Other. When selected, each tab displays links sorted into related categories to improve discoverability when browsing resources. Additionally, a description for each link appears at the top of the navbar when the user hovers over it to help users distinguish between resources. The navbar also includes a search field, which allows the user to search by name or keyword to quickly find what they need.

The design process for the Financial Navbar benefitted from gathering feedback from users within Financial and Administrative Services (FAS), the Council of University Business Officers (CUBO), and other CSU representatives.

The Financial Navbar is part of the Financial System Modernization project, which is focused on implementing policy, procedure, and system changes needed to increase homogeneity in financial operations across campus and create the conditions for a successful future ERP implementation.

For more information and a list of applications receiving the Financial Navbar enhancement, view the Financial Navbar entry in the askUS Knowledge Base or What is the Financial NavBar?, which provides a quick video introduction.


If you need assistance or to report an issue with the Navbar, please contact askUS Support.

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